If you have the facility on your website to have a blog, have you wondered whether or not you should be blogging and what type of blog should it be.

Granted, I have been blogging for a very long time, so it’s an activity that I’m very comfortable with. But I understand that you may think it would be better in the ‘too hard basket for those who are not writers. 

There are two questions to ask yourself. 

  1. What type of business do you have?
  2. What type of blog do you want?

I’ve listed five different types of blogs that can be either stand-alone or incorporated into a website. Go ahead and look through the list below and figure out which one would suit your needs.

1. Personal blog. 

This one is more of a platform for writing your thoughts, hobbies or whatever interests you. It usually doesn’t focus on a particular niche but is more random. I have one – Over Coffee, and I use it more to practise my writing or generally have my say about a specific topic (I get to use more words than I would on Twitter!).

personal blog

2. Personal Brand blog. 

It’s still along the lines of being personal, but now it’s your brand. Say you’re a coach or consultant or an author. This blog is a great way to connect with your audience, build a relationship and sell your service or product. 

This White Rockit blog is a good example. I am giving information to my readers, helping them get to know and trust me.

3. Personal Service blog.

Now we’re stepping into the small one-person business, such as gardener, housesitter, dog walking, babysitting, etc. These blogs are very niche-focused. A gardener may offer suggestions on how to look after your lawn. A dog walker might have blog posts on the different breeds s/he has looked after, and a housesitter may talk about the different places one can visit with this lifestyle.

It’s a personal blog, but the best ones offer advice and tips.

4. Business blog.

It is worth having a blogging page for small to medium-sized businesses with a website. People visiting can then find out more about you through the bog—new products, reviews, news, and anything relevant to your business. 

You would be surprised how many people read a business blog and how many businesses don’t have one!

Types of businesses where a blog would be beneficial:

Fitness – Beauty – Tourism – Even Law and Accountancy would benefit from a blog:

different types of blogging

5. Corporate blog. 

This is for the larger businesses. Quite often, corporations don’t necessarily have blog posts. Instead, they will offer articles about what they are doing. An excellent corporate blog will keep these updated, but they may be only a few times a year.

Other large businesses may give you guides, and a good example of this is Mitre 10. It has not so much a blog, but a section called ‘Easy Guides’. Inside that is a Garden Calendar

6. Niche blog.

Although similar to the personal brand and personal business blog, the niche blog can be written to monetise the actual blog website. Many niches can be stand-alone websites, such as cars, music, games, WordPress, writing, mothers, babies, lifestyles, etc.

The point is that a website is built around, for example, mothers; it will attract that audience. 

  • To make money, the owner can adopt different tactics.
  • Affiliate marketing – selling other people’s products.
  • Adsense – These are ads by Google that you can place in or around your post.

There are other companies that pay you to advertise, but you will need to have a high traffic rate before they accept you.

  • Sell ebooks 
  • Sell products
  • Sell courses

Going back to the title of this post – the different types of blogging as I said before, it is up to you to decide what type you want and once you’ve done that – off you go and start writing.

If you struggle to get your message out there, I can help by writing powerful content to showcase your business to more people.

Go to my services HERE to find out more.