Social media is essential when you’re in business, regardless of whether it’s online or offline.
What do people mean when they say “find your tribe”? Putting it simply, your tribe are those who are like-minded. They may not necessarily be in the same niche market as you are, but they are all driving towards the same thing.
So how do you find your tribe on Facebook? I’m using Facebook as an example because it is the largest platform, and 99.9% of businesses are on it. There are different ways to do this:
- Search Groups for your business
- Search groups for a specific country
- Search groups for a specific gender.
Most groups will only allow you to join via your personal profile. Some business groups will allow your business page, but on the whole, groups are for the interaction of people. To begin, go to your Facebook feed, and on the left, you’ll see Groups.
Clicking on that takes you to the next page, where you will find “Discover”.
Facebook will give you suggested groups, which I advise you to have a look through. There may be some that will resonate. But the best way is to search. Type in your type of business, for example, online marketing and filter it by groups.
Now groups that are in your niche are great because they offer support, tips and even learning. However, these will not be your customers/clients. To find these, you need to search for business pages. These can be in your country and can be gender-specific.
For example: If you offer a service that helps with women’s health, then search for “women in business” add your country if you want to stay national. You will undoubtedly know who your client/customer is, so the trick is to discover where s/he hangs out.
- Read and follow the rules of the group.
- And, if you want to be successful with this.
That’s right. Go into the group each day and engage with people. Comment (sincerely) on their post. Do your own posts, which should be about anything other than promoting your business. Ask questions to engage others.
With most business groups, you will be able to promote your services; however, don’t overdo it. You want people to get to know you and trust you. Definitely reply with your service to anyone who is asking for help – however, again, read the rules.
And last but not least. Make sure you have your business clearly shown on your personal profile. Group members will hover over your avatar, and you need your website and your service to pop up. You don’t need to spend a lot of time in groups.
My suggestion is to find three or four groups and stick with them.
I can certainly help you with your social media, along with your blog and newsletter. Please click through to my services HERE