When and What to Post on Social Media

When and What to Post on Social Media

When you have different Social Media platforms for your business, it’s good to know exactly when and what to post to get engagement.   The age-old dilemma of what to post on social media confronts any business. And do all social media platforms need to have...
Which Social Media Platform is Best for You?

Which Social Media Platform is Best for You?

There are so many different social media platforms, from Facebook to Instagram to LinkedIn and Twitter, but which is best for you?   We all know that we should be visible on social media and tell the world about the great business we have. But the trouble is there are...
The Best Scheduling Apps for Social Media

The Best Scheduling Apps for Social Media

There are pros and cons to using scheduling apps for your social media, but they certainly do help.   We all want to save a bit of time here and there whenever we can, right? So why not schedule social media posts using apps and get them out of the way?...
How Many Facebook Groups Are You In?

How Many Facebook Groups Are You In?

More to the point – are you even in any Facebook groups?   Facebook groups are in a world of their own. They are small ecosystems of people, all with similar likes, beliefs or intentions. They can be for business or pleasure, and there are thousands of them...
How to Find Your Tribe on Facebook

How to Find Your Tribe on Facebook

Social media is essential when you’re in business, regardless of whether it’s online or offline.   What do people mean when they say “find your tribe”? Putting it simply, your tribe are those who are like-minded. They may not necessarily...
Generating Business Through Facebook.

Generating Business Through Facebook.

Let’s begin with the question. What is Social Media?   Google defines Social Media as: “Interactive forms of media that allow users to interact with and publish to each other, generally by means of the internet.” and we can safely say...