People often ask me what’s the best way to write a blog post. I hate to say this, but it depends on what you are writing about.


There is loads of advice out there regarding writing and how to go about it. But the first thing I want to ask you is, “what exactly are you going to write about?”

For example. You own a plumbing business. You want to write informative blog posts for those coming to your site. There are two ways you can go.

  1. Technical. This is where you would give tips and tricks about plumbing so the average householder can tackle those small jobs on their own—adding a video showing the ‘how to’ will be invaluable to make this even more informative.
  2. Personal. You write about personal experiences. Obviously, you don’t mention names unless the person has given you a testimonial and permission. You can definitely write ‘stories’, especially ones that are funny, which can be just as informative.

But say your business is a service one, or you are a coach. The same principles as above can be used.

In fact, those two ways mentioned above can be applied to any business.

Now let’s look at the personal writing (#2). The best approach for this is to write as you talk. 

Bring your reader in by using rhetorical questions like:

  • We’ve all had that overwhelming feeling, right?
  • I should have known better, shouldn’t I?
  • It’s a challenge, isn’t it?

Use interjection phrases:

  • I know it takes work, but then all good things do.
  • My old computer crashed – didn’t surprise me – so I had to begin again.

Using ‘you’ or ‘your’ makes the reader believe you are talking directly to them. 

Even using ‘And’ or ‘But’ to begin a sentence gives it a more conversational feel (be careful that you don’t overuse).

Sometimes even overused clichés can be a familiar touch for a reader, especially if they are ones you usually use anyway. 

Remember that your audience doesn’t want to exert too much mental energy, so go easy when explaining your ideas. So the more your text sounds like you are sitting right there next to them, the better your message will come across.

If you are writing about your area of expertise, then the best way to write always comes from your heart, regardless if it’s a tip or a story.

Don’t feel you can write your blog posts? If you’re struggling or don’t have time outsource your posts to me and let me do the heavy lifting. Please lock in some time to have a free consult with me SCHEDULE