You put a lot of effort into writing your blog but do people read it? And is there a way to find out?
You may be surprised that 77% of people regularly read blog posts online. That’s a lot of people, and there’s no reason they wouldn’t be reading your post if you’ve done it right.
The average time it takes to write a post is around four hours.
And one other thing you should know is that there are over 600 million blogs (remember that their topics range is vast and wide) out of 1.9 BILLION websites. So as you can see, there are not that many at all!
Around 8.28 million posts are published daily, and according to Google stats, every day, over 1,700 people search how to start a blog; the majority will do nothing about it at all.
Of course, a lot of these are not on private websites. The platform Tumblr has 540.4 million individual blogs under its umbrella, bringing down the number of unique websites.
In 2018 55% of companies said that blog content was a priority for them going forward, and 96% of those companies expected their content marketing budgets to increase. Marketers could see the benefit of blogs as a way of attracting visitors.
In the past, the shorter posts worked fine. The trend happening in 2022 is showing that the longer articles are doing better with Google. And those writing over 2,000 – 3,000+ words appear to be getting the strongest results. Of course, that’s putting more pressure on the writer as it’s taking longer to write them. It now seems that longer posts are published less frequently. Bloggers publishing daily, regardless of length, are still getting solid results. Even weekly results are good.
Don’t be fooled into thinking people don’t read blog posts anymore. Blogging is definitely alive and kicking. Of course, the amount of interest generated does come down to the type of post you’re writing. If you can write over 2,000 words, that works best. However, make sure it’s over at least 600 words. And know that your visitor is happy to read for around seven minutes.
So you’re already writing and publishing your blog. Do you have some way of gathering the statistics necessary to understand your audience? You should know which pages/posts your visitor lands on, how long they stay, where they came from and if they looked around your website. If you can gather this information, it will help you to understand what they want, and therefore you will be able to fulfil their needs.
Depending on your website, Google Analytics is probably the best known, and it’s easy to use. However, if your site doesn’t support this or you prefer not to use it, I suggest StatCounter (a paid platform). It offers excellent statistics.
I’m not about to instruct you here on how to use Google Analytics (my preference), but if you want to learn more about it, then this article straight from the horse’s mouth will definitely give you the answers: Use Analytics
And I’ll leave you with this:
Over 409 million users read 20+ billion pages monthly, and businesses that have active blogs get 97% more visitors to their sites than those that don’t.
If you struggle to get your message out there, I can help by writing powerful content to showcase your business to more people.
Go to my services HERE to find out more.