How To Start a Blog Post.

How To Start a Blog Post.

Don’t you find it daunting sitting and looking at a blank page and wondering how on earth you will start your blog post? It happens to the best of us, so here’s some help.   Before you write anything, you need to pick a topic you’d like to write...
Different Types of Blogging.

Different Types of Blogging.

If you have the facility on your website to have a blog, have you wondered whether or not you should be blogging and what type of blog should it be. Granted, I have been blogging for a very long time, so it’s an activity that I’m very comfortable with. But...
Grow Your Readers with Exceptional Blog Titles

Grow Your Readers with Exceptional Blog Titles

The whole point of your blog title is to attract readers. So you want to create the best blog title that will encourage people to click through and help you grow your base.    Some titles are better than others, that’s a given. You won’t succeed every time....
How to Pick a Great Blog Title.

How to Pick a Great Blog Title.

Your heading says it all! Get this right, and you will get the readers.   We all know how a great blog title captures our curiosity and gets us reading, but how do you pick one when you’re the one writing the post? The very first rule is to make your title...
3 Ways to Monetise Your Blog

3 Ways to Monetise Your Blog

If you’re writing a blog regularly and want to earn a little cash on the side, then have a look at the following three options. It isn’t rocket science to learn how to monetise your blog. It’s simply a matter of choosing one or two methods, and here...
How to Write a Killer Blog Post

How to Write a Killer Blog Post

Now don’t sigh. You know you should write a blog post today. So I’m here to give you some tips on how to write a great one. You already know that you have to keep your website up-to-date, and your blog is an excellent way of doing that. It’s also a great...