Getting Over Writer’s Block

Getting Over Writer’s Block

Just because you have writer’s block doesn’t mean you are a terrible writer. That has nothing to do with why you are in the slump and can’t seem to find the words.   I’d like to give you three things I use whenever I experience...
5 Tips For Setting Up a Productive Day

5 Tips For Setting Up a Productive Day

You want to get to a point where getting up in the morning is exciting, and you look forward to getting stuck into business.   This post will give you 5 tips for setting up a productive day, and it all starts with getting out of bed in the morning. It begins the...
3 Habits of a Ninja Blogger.

3 Habits of a Ninja Blogger.

Blogging is not as easy as one may think, but if you nail these 3 habits and do them each time, you’ll win.   I’ve been blogging for too many years that I wish to count. But right from the start, I got into these 3 habits that I still use to this day. Am I...
3 Ways to Monetise Your Blog

3 Ways to Monetise Your Blog

If you’re writing a blog regularly and want to earn a little cash on the side, then have a look at the following three options. It isn’t rocket science to learn how to monetise your blog. It’s simply a matter of choosing one or two methods, and here...
How to Write a Killer Blog Post

How to Write a Killer Blog Post

Now don’t sigh. You know you should write a blog post today. So I’m here to give you some tips on how to write a great one. You already know that you have to keep your website up-to-date, and your blog is an excellent way of doing that. It’s also a great...